On Tue, 7 Aug 2012 11:34:28 +0200 Willi Egger
Dear TeX users and TeX friends,
At one of the last NTG-meetings we discussed possibilities to write a series of articles presenting the different text editors used in modern TeX-environments.
Such an article could have ingredients like availability, general use, highlights, issues related to TeX coding and whether it is suitable for Plain-tex, Latex, Context, configurability etc.
The idea is to produce a MAPS-issue in color, so that also screenshots can be included.
We have already a couple of volunteers to write on certain editors, however it is for sure not a bad idea to include even two articles on the same editor. What we definitely are looking for is someone who would be prepared to write an article over WinEdt.
I am looking forward hearing from you, kind regards
Willi Egger Secretary NTG ntg-secretary@ntg.nl
I use Gvim for all editing, including all forms of TeX, columns submitted to my newspaper editors, programs (Tcl etc.) and emails. The virtue is I do not have to learn and relearn a new editor for each. And my custmizations such as F2 to justify each paragraph ragged right, are common for all. I even assign F keys for running pdftex or context on a file named book.tex (every book I work on is in a separate directory so all of them are called book.tex.) I have an F key for "acroread book.pdf" Just FYI. I doubt if I am the only one. -- John Culleton