Am 06.12.2012 um 11:44 schrieb Otared Kavian
Hi Mikael,
The example given by Wolfgang works fine for me with mkii, but not in mkiv: probably something has changed in mkiv, for example the way [scale=500] must be used in mkiv.
The definitions of commands/environments have changed in MkIV, as you can see in the following example there are differences between the MkII and MkIV version of the same command. \starttexcode \def\mkiiemphasized {\dosingleempty\domkiiemphasized} \def\domkiiemphasized[#1]#2% {\getrawparameters[mkiiemphasized][style=,color=,#1] \doattributes{mkiiemphasized}{style}{color}{#2}} \def\mkivemphasized {\dosingleempty\mkivemphasized_direct} \def\mkivemphasized_direct[#1]#2% {\begingroup \getdummyparameters[#1]% \usedummystyleandcolor\c!style\c!color #2% \endgroup} \stoptexcode \starttext \mkiiemphasized[style=bold,color=green]{\MKII} \mkivemphasized[style=italic,color=red]{\MKIV} \stoptext Wolfgang