Jorge Manuel schrieb am 12.10.2024 um 13:24:
I applied a trick: I created a phantom itemize.
\defineconversion [BoxedNumber] [\BoxedNumber]
\startitemize[BoxedNumber,fit,repeat][stopper=,distance=\spaceamount] \item xxx \startitemize[BoxedNumber,fit, repeat][stopper=,distance=\spaceamount] \item multiple choice * \startitemize[norepeat]* * \item Your choice: \_\_\_\_* \startitemize[A, columns, two, random, fit][stopper={)},style=bold] %% \item choice 1 \item choice 2 \item choice 3 \item choice 4 \stopitemize * \stopitemize*
\item normal question 1 \startitemize[BoxedNumber, repeat] %% \item question 1 \par\thinrules[n=2] \item question2 \par\thinrules[n=2] \stopitemize \stopitemize \stopitemize
You can use an enumeration to have more control about the numbering and spacing/width of the counter. %%%% begin example \define[1]\BoxedNumber {\inframed[width=3ex]{\convertnumber{n}{#1}}} \defineconversion [BoxedNumber] [\BoxedNumber] \defineenumeration [Question] [text=, alternative=hang, width=broad, numberconversion=BoxedNumber] \starttext \startQuestion xxx \startsubQuestion multiple choice \startitemize[A,columns,tworandom][stopper={)},style=bold] \startitem choice 1 \stopitem \startitem choice 2 \stopitem \startitem choice 3 \stopitem \startitem choice 4 \stopitem \stopitemize \stopsubQuestion \startsubQuestion normal question 1 \startsubsubQuestion question 1 \par\thinrules[n=2] \stopsubsubQuestion \startsubsubQuestion question2 \par\thinrules[n=2] \stopsubsubQuestion \stopsubQuestion \stopQuestion \stoptext %%%% end example Wolfgang