Dear list, I’m running into a strange issue with endnotes. I seem to hit a limit of how many endnotes I can place in a document - although there are only 52 of them in the document. Recursing the following minimal example 12 times works fine on my machine (using today’s beta 2011.09.20 00:09) Any clues? Thanks in advance! Daniel Here’s an example: ----------------------------------------------------------------- \definenote[myFirstEndnote][endnote] \definenote[mySecondEndnote][endnote] \definenote[myThirdEndnote][endnote] \definenote[myFourthEndnote][endnote] \starttext \dorecurse{13}{ \myFirstEndnote{endnote} \input tufte \mySecondEndnote{endnote} \input tufte \myThirdEndnote{endnote} \input tufte \myFourthEndnote{endnote} \input tufte } \page \placenotes[myFirstEndnote] \placenotes[mySecondEndnote] \placenotes[myThirdEndnote] \placenotes[myFourthEndnote] \stoptext ----------------------------------------------------------------- … this leads to a "missing number" error: ! Missing number, treated as zero. system > tex > error on line 106 in file enTest.tex: Missing number, treated as zero ... <to be read again> f \v!fit ->f it \dochecknote ...\dimexpr \noteparameter \c!height *\scratchcounter \relax \f... \doprocesssomenote ...n \currentnote \dochecknote \ifbottomnotes \else \done... \dopagecontents ...tomnotes \else \donefalse \fi } \ifcase \kindofpagetextare... \normalsettextpagecontent ... \dopagecontents #2#3 }}\dp #1\zeropoint \setbox... ... l.22