Thanks, Wolfgang, that indeed does the trick. A related question. I've noticed that global `whitespace' setup is not recognized by `makeup' environment, i.e. \setupwhitespace[line] \definemakeup [abstractpage] \startabstractpagemakeup % `whitespace' is definitely not `line'. \stopabstractpagemakeup The trivial and ugly solution is to \definemakeup [abstractpage] \startabstractpagemakeup \setupwhitespace[line] % `whitespace' is definitely `line'. \stopabstractpagemakeup However, I would prefer \setupmakeup[ commands={% \setupwhitespace[line]% }, ] but it has no effect too. I would like to know why and if there is a alternative? By the way, the similar setting \setupmakeup[ commands={% \setupinterlinespace[line={4.2ex}]% }, ] does have an effect. Once again, why? What's the difference in this case? Regards, Alexander