Hi Pascal, I spend more than one hour on this, to find a clean solution. So please add this to the wiki. And if you can, send my a copy of the nice background image (never mind if not). I felt in love with this, while testing your example. Anyhow, the cut markings are still lying under the picture (Hans?), the rest should work. The automatical scaling of the image uses a tricky method from this mailing list http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20070719.232314.12cb4f5f.en.html Best wishes, Peter BTW: do you set a bleed|crop-box? Pascal de Bruijn schrieb:
I'm trying to layout a book for Lulu.com. I'm working with a 9"x6" paper size, which is going to be printed on 9.25"x6.25" stock paper to enable full bleed printing.
I have managed to get a background image using a background layer. However, I don't seem to be able to get it to the right size.
Sample files: http://area42.pcode.nl/context/
In the PDF you can see, that I'm stuck with a white edge. I need the background picture to fill my entire page with no white left. I also need to crop marks to remain on top of the background image.
The supplied background image has the same height/width ratio as the stock page. However I would like TeX to stretch the ratio if necessary.
I'd appreciate any suggestion on how to achieve this.
Regards, Pascal de Bruijn
\definepapersize[Lulu-Print][width=6.00in,height=9.00in] \definepapersize[Lulu-Stock][width=6.25in,height=9.25in] % [ paper ] [ printpaper ] \setuppapersize[Lulu-Print][Lulu-Stock] \setuplayout[location=middle,marking=on] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \setupbackgrounds[leftpage] [background={Watermark-Left,layer-with-marking}]% background doesn't work \setupbackgrounds[rightpage][background={Watermark-Right,layer-with-marking}] \definelayer[Watermark-Left] [repeat=yes,width=\printpaperwidth,height=\printpaperheight, hoffset=-.5\dimexpr\printpaperwidth-\paperwidth, voffset=-.5\dimexpr\printpaperheight-\paperheight] \definelayer[Watermark-Right] [repeat=yes,width=\printpaperwidth,height=\printpaperheight, hoffset=-.5\dimexpr\printpaperwidth-\paperwidth, voffset=-.5\dimexpr\printpaperheight-\paperheight] \setlayer[Watermark-Left][preset=topleft] {\externalfigure[lowres][maxwidth=\printpaperwidth,maxheight=\printpaperheight,width=10in]}% width > maxwidth; value doesn't matter \setlayer[Watermark-Right][preset=topleft] {\externalfigure[lowres][maxwidth=\printpaperwidth,maxheight=\printpaperheight,width=10in]} \starttext \showframe Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fus\-ce commodo. Curabitur quis metus. Cras lacus ipsum, lacinia eu, eleifend in, pellentesque quis, tellus. Sed eget sem a ipsum nonummy aliquam. Curabitur ut nibh a lectus sagittis bibendum. Praesent egestas sapien eu risus. Suspendisse a quam. Nunc volutpat posuere orci. Duis ultrices cursus tellus. Phasellus ante sapien, pharetra ac, malesuada condimentum, viverra sit amet, ligula. Donec nisl libero, placerat nec, euismod eget, euismod lobortis, eros. Nam posuere interdum neque. Maecenas a lacus. Etiam semper viverra libero. Proin ornare accumsan erat. Ut fringilla. Morbi pretium risus nec urna. Nunc nec ligula vel risus sodales lobortis. Fusce consectetuer, risus elementum tincidunt vulputate, arcu turpis porta sem, vitae feugiat arcu est non elit. Nulla facilisi. Duis interdum quam ac purus. Morbi commodo lacus lacinia tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam dapibus risus at dolor. Donec ac felis eu urna varius venenatis. Quisque ac sapien id quam tempor auctor. Donec vel ipsum. Phasellus lorem lacus, iaculis tristique, pellentesque vitae, cursus sed, leo. Morbi massa metus, facilisis at, placerat a, varius in, justo. Vestibulum vehicula consectetuer sapien. In sodales, orci ac convallis sollicitudin, pede ligula luctus erat, ut elementum tellus libero vel urna. Sed scelerisque diam a leo vehicula nonummy. Donec velit dui, volutpat ornare, auctor vel, ultricies eu, nulla. Aliquam quis nisi a nulla tristique semper. Phasellus varius mi at sapien. Integer ornare, mi id consequat nonummy, sem purus pellentesque nibh, eu lobortis neque elit a purus. Nullam nisi. Pellentesque cursus lectus lobortis sem. Sed felis. Ut justo libero, malesuada non, congue sit amet, hendrerit eget, velit. Curabitur iaculis, diam non tincidunt cursus, tortor odio varius mauris, sed pharetra augue urna ac erat. Maecenas eu sapien. Suspendisse vel magna nec metus tempor consectetuer. Sed mollis tincidunt lorem. Sed tempus adipiscing tellus. Sed elit odio, venenatis ac, dignissim at, vehicula eget, ante. \stoptext