Thanks! See below... On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 07:35 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
\definefontsynonym [AutoSerif] [\fontrange {MinionPro-Caps <10pt MinionPro-Regular <12pt MinionPro-Disp <15pt MinionPro-Something}]
and then
\definefontsynonym[MinionPro-Caps][MinionPro-regular-SC- 8y][encoding=texnansi]
with for instance
\definefont[BigTitleFont][AutoSerif sa 2]
and alike; it all depends on how you want to use it
Let's just say I only want to specify a single command that says "use minionpro-osf." This command would then automatically apply the regular font to the body text, the caption to the footnotes, and the display (which you've given the synonym BigTitleFont) for, well, the title. That'll work here? Just want to make sure, as I sometimes get really lost when I start trying to do this kind of thing with ConTeXt :-) Bruce