Xan wrote:
I suspect that
/usr/share/texmf/tex/context/bib/bibl-ams.tex has an error. Taco can you confirm it.
Yes, there is a problem on line 300 (or close to it). I can see it is wrong now, but I do not know what it should be. Can you please change that one line from \insertpublisher{}%{, }%{}% to \insertpublisher{}{, }{}% that will make the error go away, and your output correct. But what I do not know now is how an incollection entry should look if there actually is a publisher, so I would be glad if you try whether the entry below comes out ok after that change. @incollection{millerIIIa2, title = "Decision problems for groups: survey and reflections", author = "Charles F. {{Miller III}}", booktitle = "Algorithms and Classification in Combinatorial Group Theory", year = "1992", publisher = "Lilis Books", city = "Zile", country = "Santhenar" } Best wishes, Taco