Hi !
I am curious about testing macvim and it seems doing fine in edit mode. But how do i set up the typesetting engine?
But I do not understand how to customize it to be directed to the path to my engine
I’ve installed the LMTX in /Users/janneman/context-osx-64/
The installation works fine in TeXshop but still an error shows up in macvim and the message dissappears very quick so there is not much time to read the cause of error.
I have created the subdirectory .vim/ftplugin/ and put the context.vim file there
also the corresponding in .vim/compiler/context.vim
which is copied from the program located in /usr/local/Cellar/macvim/8.2-163/MacVim.app/Contents/Resources/vim/runtime
So, how do I get this up and running?
Thanks in advance