On Mar 5, 2009, at 2:39 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Currently, there is no such feature. Are you looking at the functionality of the arcs package of latex? If so, it will be easy to add it to ConTeXt. The main trouble is that the glyph for \overarc is missing from the fonts. Arcs.sty takes the glyphs for \frown and \smile, and scales them appropriately. An ugly solution, but it looks ok if you are just placing it over one or two letters.
I had a similar wish a while ago and hacked something with a MPpositiongraphic. It is certainly not very elegant, but IMHO better than the LaTeX code you posted (scaling a glyph like that will look ugly when you want to span more than just two letters). Wolfgang Schuster supplied the neat trick with the counter. It is quite fast when run with mkiv, but I suspect would be slow with mkii (and leave quite a few .mp files behind). Maybe this can help: \newcount\arcnumber \startMPpositiongraphic{placeoverarc} StartPage ; begingroup ; initialize_box(\MPpos{\MPvar{self}}) ; numeric c ; c = ExHeight/6 ; z1 = llxy ; z2 = lrxy ; z7 = 1/2[z1,z2] ; z4 = ((x1 + 2*c), (y1 + 2*c)) ; z5 = (x7, (y7 + 4*c)) ; z6 = ((x2 - 2*c), (y2 + 2*c)) ; path syn ; syn := z4 .. z5 .. z6 ; pickup pencircle scaled (0.75*c) ; draw syn ; anchor_box(\MPanchor{\MPvar{self}}) ; endgroup ; save c ; StopPage ; \stopMPpositiongraphic% \define[1]\overarc {\advance\arcnumber\plusone% \setMPpositiongraphic{POS-\number\arcnumber}{placeoverarc}% \hpos{POS-\number\arcnumber}{#1}} Maybe that can be the starting point for some better code... Thomas