Hello, I have problem with testing of strings through \doifelse. I am loading data from external CSV file. CSV file is UTF-8 encoding. Data from external file I am reading to ConTeXt macro and I want compare content of macro (it is one utf-8 character) and other character as per example: (\onecharfromcsvfile contains one character from external CSV file) % I compare e.g. "m" character and content of macro \onecharfromcsvfile \def\result{\doifelse{m}{\onecharfromcsvfile}{true}{false} } \result is however always false When CSV file is CP-1250 encoding then macro does work right as well as classical TeX macro: \def\result{\if m\onecharfromcsvfile true\else false \fi} My question is: Just how modify macro as to work right when CSV file is UTF-8 encoding. Thanx Jaroslav PS: I was working up until now only with CP-1250 encoding, but when I started with LuaTeX (MKIV), then I have to use UTF-8. (MKIV dont work corectly with external CP-1250 files).