Good evening. I tried to use MyriadPro font (associated with Linux version of AdobeReader 7.x). First I've converted it to .afm/.pfb through FontForge (with default setting since I don't know how to use it). Then I've generated metrics and the rest TeX stuff with texfont---I've used lm-ec encoding. (I know that this way I loose all those wonderful features of Profi fonts---I don't care, I simply like basic look of the font.) All worked well in ConTeXt---until I found that Czech letters (those with acutes and carons and rings) are present only in the Regular font, not in the Bold and Italic. Can you explain me 1) how is it possible, and 2) how to use this font to typeset Czech documents (i.e. to get a full ec-encoded fonts from it)? Can I expect the same kind of problems with MinionPro as well? Many thanks for your answers. I wish you nice summer. Michal Kvasnicka