On 04/09/2014 09:33 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Wed, 9 Apr 2014, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
One possibility is to add:
\appendtoks \let\footnote \gobbleoneargument \to \everysimplifycommands
to your style.
Perhaps this should be added to the definition of definenote.
Hmm... simplifycommands needs an overhaul:
From typo-del.mkiv:
\appendtoks \def\quotation#1{"#1"}% \def\quote #1{'#1'}% \to \everysimplifycommands
and from buff-ver.mkiv:
\appendtoks \def\type#1{\letterbackslash\checkedstrippedcsname#1}% or maybe detokenize \def\tex #1{\letterbackslash#1}% \to \everysimplifycommands
The simplification of \type assumes that a user will always use \type{\command} and gives the wrong result for \type{text} and fails for \type{text\undefined}.
The simplification of \quote and \quotation should not be hardcoded, but rather be a part of \definedelimitedtext.
Apart from notes and delimited text, are there other commands that need to be simplified for bookmarks, etc?
Many thanks for your reply, Aditya. If I don’t get it wrong, I guess all language and style commands should be ignored. And all braces, when not explicitly invoked (such as in \{). But this only would affect to PDF bookmarks. Many thanks again, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk