Hello Members, there is a problem with cross references. See the piece of code beneath this text. Under texexec the piece of code works well. With context there is a problem, the cross references of the item(s) don't work, the pdf-file is not interactive. What is the problem? I hope that somebody can give me some advice. With the hidden blocks there is no problem. But with the item(s) there is a problem, Kind Regards, Rene' van Hassel % Code: \setupcolors[state=start] \setupinteraction[state=start,color=orange] \setupreferencing[state=start] \defineblock[exercise] \defineblock[solution] \defineenumeration[exercise][location=top,text=Exercise] \defineenumeration[solution][location=top,text=Solution] \hideblocks[exercise] \hideblocks[solution] \starttext \chapter{First Attempt} % Begin: First Attempt % With texexec and context both go well. \beginexercise \startexercise[exer-1] First exercise.\crlf See \in{Solution}[sol-1]. \stopexercise \startexercise[exer-2] Second exercise.\crlf See \in{Solution}[sol-2]. \stopexercise \endexercise \beginsolution \startsolution[sol-1] First solution!\crlf See \in{Exercise}[exer-1]. \stopsolution \startsolution[sol-2] Second solution!\crlf See \in{Exercise}[exer-2]. \stopsolution \endsolution \useblocks[exercise] \page \useblocks[solution] \page % End: First Attempt \chapter{Second Attempt} % Begin: Second Attempt Problem is, that the references of the items become not interactive under mkiv (context). Under mkii (texexec) it is no problem. \def\nextnumber#1{\the\numexpr#1\relax} \defineconversion[nee][\nextnumber] \setupitemize[broad,packed] \startitemize[nee][left={Ex-},stopper={: },width=1.5cm] % nee: new exam exercise % Exercise \item[221106-Ex-4] Question 221106-Ex-4.\crlf Solution, see \in{Sol-}[221106-Ex-4-sol].\crlf % Exercise \item[221106-Ex-5] Question 221106-Ex-5.\crlf Solution, see \in{Sol-}[221106-Ex-5-sol].\crlf % End list of Exercises: \stopitemize \page % Start list of solutions: %=0 % nsee (new solution exam exercises) \def\nextnumber#1{\the\numexpr#1\relax} \defineconversion[nsee][\nextnumber] \setupitemize[broad,packed] \startitemize[nsee][left={Sol-},stopper={: },width=1.5cm] % Solution \item[221106-Ex-4-sol] Solution 221106-Ex-4.\crlf See Exercise \in{Ex-}[221106-Ex-4]\crlf % Solution \item[221106-Ex-5-sol] Solution 221106-Ex-5.\crlf See Exercise \in{Ex-}[221106-Ex-5]\crlf % End list of solutions \stopitemize \crlf At \at{page}[221106-Ex-4].\crlf At \at{page}[exer-2]. % End: Second Attempt \stoptext