Hi David, I added to mp-tool: % showgrid(-5,10,1cm,-10,10,1cm); def showgrid (expr MinX, MaxX, DeltaX, MinY, MaxY, DeltaY)= begingroup save defaultfont, defaultscale, size ; string defaultfont ; defaultfont := "cmtt10"; % i.e. infofont numeric defaultscale ; defaultscale := 8pt / fontsize defaultfont; numeric size ; size := 2pt ; for x=MinX upto MaxX : for y=MinY upto MaxY : draw (x*DeltaX, y*DeltaY) withpen pencircle scaled if (x mod 5 = 0) and (y mod 5 = 0) : 1.5size withcolor .50white else : size withcolor .75white fi ; endfor ; endfor ; for x=MinX upto MaxX: label.bot(decimal x, (x*DeltaX,-size)); endfor ; for y=MinY upto MaxY: label.lft(decimal y, (-size,y*DeltaY)) ; endfor ; endgroup enddef; I also send you a supp-pdf that does not fail on you example (peculiar sequence of settings catched) Hans