Thank you very much Aditya for your guidance:-) I am working through your
suggestions and may have more questions soon...
On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 23:42:16 -0600, Aditya Mahajan
For alignment, I find it easiest to use \framed. So in your case \framed[align=normal,width=1,5cm,font(forgot the switch)=\ssxx]{etc}
\framed and \setupframed do not seem to have font switching options, although \setupframedtexts and \start-\stopframedtexts do ([style=\ssxx,before=\setupinterlinespace]). Indeed, \setupinterlinespace does not even work inside the argument to framed, e.g, \framed[width=1.2cm,align=left,frame=off,autowidth=force,strut=on] {\ssxx\setupinterlinespace This is a test of interlinespace} does not adjust the interlinespace (Is this a bug, Hans?) What works so far is \startMPenvironment \ssxx\setupinterlinespace \stopMPenvironment in the preamble. Thnx again for your help, still working through things so i may be back;-) Best Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 -- Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/