Hi Steffen,
Ahh! The escape-key!! On my machine (up to now) this was already assigned to "enter snippet" for Butler (by petermaurer.de).
You can easily change the key to something else in the bundle editor.
You wrote "the variable PDF_VIEWER, the default is 'Preview'. You can try anything that you can use as an argument for 'open'..." Well, where do I find this in order to have a try?
See http://macromates.com/textmate/manual/environment_variables 9.4 (at the very end). Does this information already help you?
Well, does it mean that I have to define a project-variable (tmproj) for each project in order to overwrite the default? Inside of ConTeXt.tmbundle I couldn't find a *.tmproj file ...
the mentioning of 'tmproj' is a bit confusing, just ignore it. You have to set this variable from within TextMate. tmproj is just the file extension of the project file, there is nothing useful to edit there. When you create a project 'abc', it will get saved on the drive as 'abc.tmproj'. It has nothing to do with the bundles. There are two different places to set this variable: 1) (global) in textmate's preferences/advanced/shell variables and 2) (each project) in a project's preference window. This works only in a project and you have to follow the instructions on the given webpage: "The way to do this is currently a little secret but if you deselect everything in the project drawer, then click the info (circled I) button, a panel will appear where you can set variables." For both ways, just click on the plus sign in the lower left corner of the window and enter for example Variable Value ------------------------- PDF_VIEWER texniscope ------------------------- HTH Patrick -- ConTeXt wiki and more: http://contextgarden.net