Hi Mojca, It is more than two months old; the tetex i'm using is version 2.0.2 or somesuch. So an upgrade is definitely due. On the dvi v pdf question, I'm a bit confused, because I didn't mention my actual output format. I have actually been outputting things as dvi for reading on my computer, but printing pdfs. The same problems have been occurring in both formats, but I might be missing the point of your question here. Using \char60 and \char62 gives the same results as using the characters "<" and ">" in the text, which is are upside down question mark and explanation mark (which I can't easily type into this email to demonstrate). I will have a try at updating the fonts, and failing that, the whole tetex system. Thanks for the tip on the mirrors, and the help. -Steven ntg-context-request@ntg.nl wrote:
The angle braces I'm after are the ones that go around URLs in citations, as in
[12] Smith, `Article on Things', available at
. It's been suggested to me elsewhere that I upgrade my ConTeXt version, so hopefully that will help.
Well ... if it's more than two months old, it might already be ancient ;) Also consider updating the fonts.
Why are you using dvi instead of PDF?
I'll have a look around and see if there are particular angle braces that should be used for the above purpose (i.e. not greater-than/less-than or guillemots--they are `double', but Ithe suggestion is appreciated).
The example works OK here. Which font are you using? Most probably either the font is old/broken or the two characters are active.
What do you get if you type: foo \char60 bar\char62 foo? (You may never type like that, but just for debugging puposes.)
Btw: there are two mirrors of Pragma website (see links on wiki.contextgarden.net).