Alan, I noticed that there are some difficulties. The patched version of `publ-imp-aps.mkvi` behaves unexpected. The year in the @electronic citation is now missing a space and an opening parenthesis. Furthermore, when I place hyperlinks the color »spills over«, see attached. The link is only on the string `arXiv:1607.04624` but the whole line is coloured. Below is some minimal code to reproduce using ConTeXt in TL2016. Cheers, Henri --- \startbuffer [references] @electronic{Kudryashov2016, title = {Normal State of the Metallic Hydrogen Sulfide}, author = {Kudryashov, Nikolay A. and Kutukov, Alexander A. and Mazur, Evgeny A.}, year = {2016}, howpublished = {arXiv:1607.04624}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.04624} } \stopbuffer \setupinteraction[state=start] \usebtxdataset[references.buffer] \usebtxdefinitions[aps] \starttext \cite{Kudryashov2016} \placelistofpublications \stoptext On 07/18/2016 08:05 PM, Henri Menke wrote:
thanks for your speedy reply. Actually, I also dislike the scattered specification of `eprint` and `archivePrefix`, but thought that it might be better to keep it for interoperability between ConTeXt and biblatex.
The solution you sent to me works nicely and looks very clean. I will repeat it here, because you only sent it to me personally instead of the list and it might be helpful to other people, so here it is:
@electronic{Kudryashov2016, title = {Normal State of the Metallic Hydrogen Sulfide}, author = {Kudryashov, Nikolay A. and Kutukov, Alexander A. and Mazur, Evgeny A.}, year = {2016}, howpublished = {arxiv:1607.04624}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1607.04624}, }
I think it would be advantageous to also have the eprint/howpublished field available for @article such that I can link the arXiv even though an article has been published. This way people without subscription to a specific journal can readily access the preprint (open-access philosophy). Do you consider this a viable option?
Cheers, Henri
On 07/18/2016 05:40 PM, Alan BRASLAU wrote:
On Mon, 18 Jul 2016 15:06:06 +0200 Henri Menke
wrote: But I don't want to edit any system files, because this is not portable. Also I don't want to have a copy of this file in my project directory, because this is just redundant.
How can I add the two fields `eprint` and `archivePrefix` to `categories.article.optional` from the document level?
Hi Henri,
eprint and archivePrefix are in no ways standard to bibtex.
But really, an eprint is NOT an *article* until it gets published, and then it should be cited as an article and not as a preprint.
What you are looking for is a way to attach a label "arXiv:1607.04624" to the url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1607.04624}, similarly to how a doi is handled.
I can easily add the field arxiv to the "aps" rendering as it is well-defined.
I can also add the field eprint (to be combined with the url field) as in eprint = {arxiv:1607.04624}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1607.04624}, as this use can be pretty general. But I do *not* like the archivePrefix use of biblatex as it is a good example of bloat and feature creep.
So I will modify the aps specifications to be used as
@unpublished{Kudryashov2016, title = {Normal State of the Metallic Hydrogen Sulfide}, author = {Kudryashov, Nikolay A. and Kutukov, Alexander A. and Mazur, Evgeny A.}, year = {2016}, eprint = {arxiv:1607.04624}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1607.04624}, }