Dear all, I use the nifty ‘firstline’ feature ConTeXt offers (using a larger font size, line mode, 1 line only) and I notice that the last word of the first line is never hyphenated even if doing so could reduce underful in the first line. From typo-fln.lua it looks like that’s expected as the decision to break the first line happens only at nodes which are not glyphs, disc_nodes or kern nodes. There is a comment saying it could be added some option to handle disc nodes. I’d be happy to add such option but do not have enough knowledge in nodes manipulation in luatex, especially those related to hyphenation. Would it be very difficult to add such option please ? I post a MWE showing some extreme non real non sensible case, to double check that hyphenation is never performed. \definefirstline[FirstLine][alternative=line, style=\tfd] % exegerate size \starttext % exagerated case as MWE \setfirstline[FirstLine] A few words larger largestwordwordlongwordthatcouldbehyphenated bar bar. A few words larger largest word word foo bar word bar bar. A few words larger largest word word foo bar word bar bar. A few words larger largest word word foo bar word bar bar. \stoptext Thanks a lot, Best regards Joseph Canedo