Taco, Nice try, but didn't help. On Aug 3, 2006, at 12:08 AM, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
The difficulty might be that Exercise #27 is in a textblock. % Exercise #27 \beginquestion \startquestion[ex:secqu.27] $f(x)=\sqrt{x+5}$. \stopquestion \endquestion \beginlonganswer[] \startanswer \stopanswer \endlonganswer \beginshortanswer[] \startanswer $\text{Domain}=[-5,\infty)=\{x:\,x\ge -5\}$ \startbuffer %initialize scale numeric u; 20u=2in; %draw axes \includeMPgraphic{1010_xy_axes_ti} %define function vardef f(expr x)= sqrt(x+5) enddef; %create function path path p; p:=(-5,f(-5)); for x=-5 step .1 until 10: p:=p--(x,f(x)); endfor; p:=p--(10,f(10)); p:=p scaled u; drawarrow p withcolor blue; label.rt(btex $\tfx f$ etex, (10,f(10)) scaled u); %create projection domain for x=-5 step 1 until 10: drawarrow ((x,f(x))--(x,0)) scaled u withcolor green; endfor; pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; drawarrow (-5u,0)--(10u,0) withcolor red; pickup defaultpen; filleddotred((-5u,0)); label.bot(btex $\tfx -5$ etex, (-5u,0)); \stopbuffer \startlinecorrection[blank] \midaligned{\processMPbuffer} \stoplinecorrection \column <--------------------Taco, inserting a column break works, which is what we'll probably do $\text{Range}=\{y:\,y\ge 0\}=[0,\infty)$ \startbuffer %initialize scale numeric u; 20u=2in; %draw axes \includeMPgraphic{1010_xy_axes_ti} %define function vardef f(expr x)= sqrt(x+5) enddef; %create function path path p; p:=(-5,f(-5)); for x=-5 step .1 until 10: p:=p--(x,f(x)); endfor; p:=p--(10,f(10)); p:=p scaled u; drawarrow p withcolor blue; label.rt(btex $\tfx f$ etex, (10,f(10)) scaled u); %create projection domain for y=0 step 1 until 3: drawarrow ((y*y-5,y)--(0,y)) scaled u withcolor green; endfor; for y=4 step 1 until 10: drawarrow ((10,y)--(0,y)) scaled u withcolor green; endfor; pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; drawarrow (0,0)--(0,10u) withcolor red; pickup defaultpen; filleddotred((0,0)); label.lft(btex $\tfx 0$ etex, (0,0)); \stopbuffer \startlinecorrection[blank] \midaligned{\processMPbuffer} \stoplinecorrection \stopanswer \endshortanswer