Hi to all, newbie here, so please pardon me if I'm asking obvious things. I'm a latex user, but I am fascinated by context. I've a project and I'd like to know if it's possible to do it in context. The idea is the following: I have to draw a directed graph representing relations between musical elements. My graph is made of nodes and links. Links are represented as arrows as usual, but they should include a label with text displayed near to each of them. Nodes should be blocks of musical notation. Now, I'm using lilypond to generate musical fragments (www.lilypond.org). Lilypond outputs ps, pdf and png also. For my project actually I am using the pgf package under latex. In this way I can create graphs: I can draw lines with arrows, I can give each vertex an xy pair of coordinates, and I can associate each vertex an external figure. But I'n not satisfied with the output, and I like very much context capabilties: more, metafun is amazing. Taking a look at the metafun doc, it seems to me that the drawing the edges should be a very simple task. But: is it possible to import an external figure inside metapost giving it a precise place in terms of xy coordinates? Thanks a lot -a-