Ahoi eXperts! I'd like to start another attempt for a ConTeXt-FAQ-o-matic. I'm too busy and too less able to do the whole work myself, so I'd be glad if the appropriate experts would take their part. We need... 1. a definition (Schema?) for the XML source 2. conversion patterns for ConTeXt (environment) and XHTML (XSLT?) 3. a web surface (with search engine, web edit form etc.) 4. last not least lots of entries I'd try to coordinate the whole project, will host the site, could care for 3 and help with the other, but first someone must take responsibility for 1 and 2. Any volunteers? Some requirements of the definition (1): - one XML file can contain all entries - an other file will contain redundant information like authors - each entry may contain several languages (I'd like to keep the door open for partly translations; I imagine that a web user sees his favourite language if available) - entry IDs must be in some way, that user contributions (files with several entries or corrections) can join in. - markup possibilities like WikiWeb (emphasis, enumeration, easy table, link) - proper code markup (e.g. for TeX, ConTeXt, shell, perl code) - additional (normally invisible) keywords for search engine (web) or index (TeX) - some flexible subject/subsubject structure - some versioning (also like WikiWeb: each user may change every entry, but an admin must be able to undo it) - someone suggested to use a DocBook subset; don't know if that's possible Requirement of the conversion (2): - easily adaptable to a new layout (web or print) - additional software must be open source and run on Debian Linux (SPARC) (web server) and MacOS X (my machine) Is anything of the above impossible? I suppose (1) will result in something like cookbook soups recipe id=hr-1 language lang=en original=yes title /title keywords /keywords ingredients item /item item /item /ingredients preparation much text with markup and code snippets /preparation /language language lang=de original=no title /title /language /recipe /soups desserts /desserts /cookbook Greets hoping for feedback and helping hands: Hraban. -- www.fiee.net/texnique/ www.ramm.ch/context/