I am not especially facile with ConTeXt, and it has been years since I did anything complex with TeX, so I am hoping someone could help me with this. The following is probably not great code, but it shows what I am trying to do. The problems are twofold: a benign problem is that I get underfull hbox errors (\dontcomplain notwithstanding). But the other problem is that with text of a certain size, the final line is much shorter than the others. Is there some clever way to repeatedly typeset the text (e.g., put it in an hbox, measure the width, and repeatedly try .5, .333, .25 of the hbox width until it fits in the allocated space)? How to go about this? \defineblank[EpigraphDistance][3pt] \definestartstop[EpigraphText][ style=\ssa, before={\blank[EpigraphDistance] \setupnarrower[left=.25\textwidth,right=0pt] \startnarrower[left,right] \setupalign[flushright,nothyphenated,broad] \dontcomplain \noindent}, after={\stopalignment\stopnarrower \blank[EpigraphDistance] \indenting[next]}] \long\def\epigraph#1#2#3{% \startEpigraphText #1 \par \stopEpigraphText \ifx\hfuzz#3\hfuzz \rightaligned{\ssa\sl --- #2} \else \rightaligned{\ssa\sl --- #2, \tf\ssa\symbol[leftquote]#3\symbol[rightquote]} \fi } \starttext Testing epigraph \epigraph{% para \quotation{My birthday-present!} he whispered to himself, as he had often done in the endless dark days. \quotation{That's what we\unknown} }{J.R.R. Tolkien}{The Hobbit} That was an epigraph. \stoptext