On Tue, 30 Dec 2014, Piotr Kopszak wrote:
Hello list,
It looks like a bug in the filter module, but maybe I'm doing something wrong. Any help will be greatly appreciated. When using the \inlinepandoc command in the first paragraph below the space at the end of the paragraph in "życiaA. Mickiewicza" is supressed when it should be "życia A. Mickiewicza". This does not happen when using pandoc environment. If you want to run the minimal example you have to make sure you got the recent pandoc which supports twiki input format and create the "output" subdirectory in your working directory.
Piotr ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \usemodule[filter] \defineexternalfilter [pandoc] [ filter={pandoc -f \externalfilterparameter{format} -t context -o \externalfilteroutputfile}, format=twiki, directory=output, ] \starttext Inne tyt.: Wizyta pana Franciszka Grzymały, Exegi monumentum aere perennius.... Powst. Paryż, na autografie podpis: "Paryż, 12 marca 1833. Wiersze natchnione wizytą Fr. Grzymały". Pdr: {\it Czas} 1859 nr nr 118 s. 2. (\inlinepandoc{w artykule L*** (E. Januszkiewicza) "Notatki wspomnień z życia A. Mickiewicza"}).
\startpandoc Inne tyt.: Wizyta pana Franciszka Grzymały, Exegi monumentum aere perennius.... Powst. Paryż, na autografie podpis: "Paryż, 12 marca 1833. Wiersze natchnione wizytą Fr. Grzymały". Pdr: {\it Czas} 1859 nr nr 118 s. 2. (w artykule L*** (E. Januszkiewicza) "Notatki wspomnień z życia A. Mickiewicza"). \stoppandoc \stoptext
Sorry for the late reply. Short answer: Change \defineexternalfilter to (add --no-wrap): fineexternalfilter [pandoc] [ filter={pandoc --no-wrap -f \externalfilterparameter{format} -t context -o \externalfilteroutputfile}, format=twiki, directory=output, ] Long answer: This is what is happening. Normally, when an external filter like pandoc creates an output, it adds a `\n` at the end of the last line. This leads to an empty line when the file is read back in ConTeXt. To prevent that I set \endlinechar=-1 in the inline mode. However, this also means that the linebreak at the end of every line is ignored. Typically this is not a problem because you expect \inline<...> snippets to be short. But pandoc formats its output to 80 characters. So, the example that you gave is formatted as: ----- w artykule L*** (E.Januszkiewicza) \quotation{Notatki wspomnień z życia A. Mickiewicza} ---- When reading it, the space at the end of 'zycia' is ignored. I can try not setting \endlinechar=-1, and adding \removeunwantedspaces after reading a file, but this will require some extensive testing. An easier solution is to add --no-wrap option to pandoc, so that pandoc does not wrap the lines in the first place. Aditya