On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 8:23 PM, Hans Hagen
Mikael Persson wrote:
The thesis is available at
maybe we should collect such links on a wiki page
good idea
and a short presentation of the third paper
Some comments: * At our university the thesis should be printed on the (not really standard) G5 paper. No problem in defining and using it with ConTeXt.
just curious ... is it used more often or just at your universiy; it's no problem to add an extra papersize definition
I had no idea about this, so I had a look at wikipedia, which says "... G5 (169x239 mm) and E5 (155x220 mm) are popular in Sweden for printing dissertations [1], but the other formats have not turned out to be particularly useful in practice and they have not caught on internationally." This is taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_size Personally, I'm not sure I will ever come across it again, but if it doesn't slow down anything I see no reason not to have it there.
* The bibliography uses Taco's module. I am happy of being able to have different bibliographies in one file. * As a mathematician I was a bit tired of the computer modern fonts (I really like them, but I see them to often), so I decided to go with the utopia/fourier fonts. This forced me to work with mkii, since I did not get these fonts to work with mkiv (This is still a problem, I am not sure how to go on with it for future documents).
looks quite nice, i also like the font size
Thanks. What about getting these fonts to work in mkiv? Must there be some change in the fonts? Some files in ConTeXt? (they were perfectly working in older mkii)
* Typesetting math worked very smoothly. There is one place where I hade to add some negative vertical space (I could not reproduce this in a minimal file). * I'm very happy with the way MetaPost and ConTeXt work together. * The presentation is inspired by Thomas A. Schmitz' files at http://www.tug.org/pracjourn/2006-2/schmitz/ (thanks!)
* The presentation uses Wolfram's Mathematica fonts which I find being very clear.
looks nice indeed; are there open type variants of those?
From my university installation of these fonts they are only available as type1 fonts (latest version of Mathematica). I found no .otf files in the Mathematica tree at all.