Hi Alan, thanks for joining the discussion! Just to answer your two queries about my setup: On 06/18/2018 12:58 AM, Alan Braslau wrote:
Why would the definitions need to be loaded before \starttext? The bibliographic data can be loaded independent of any rendering or use definitions.
That's what I deduced from my experiments. When I load the definitions in the xml setup of the root element, they are not loaded, but printed verbatim to the pdf file. My deduction may be wrong - this is a pretty complex setup, in which I produce slides, manuscript (in different formats), handout, and bibliography all from the same xml source. So it may be some interference/interaction of these complex parts that I don't quite understand. I'll continue experimenting... Also, why don't you write your custom definitions to
handle languages, rather than writing new definition sets based on language?
There is one stumbling block that made me think I had to have two separate setups (in addition to the fact that it makes the source cleaner and easier to maintain): I copied publ-imp-apa.* and modified it to suit my needs. Now for apa, editors and authors are included in one set, e.g., in line 169-171: categories.book = { sets = { author = { "author", "editor", "publisher", "title" }, } In my German bibliography file, I distinguish between authored volumes and edited volumes both for the presentation and for the sorting: Author, Firstname: Title ... as opposed to Edited Volume, hrsg. von Firstname Editor ... and I found that as long as I had this "set" line in my publ-imp-style.lua file, I would always get Editor, Firstname: Edited Volume, hrsg. von Firstname Editor ... When I deleted the line, I could get what I wanted. So my inference was that for my German bibliography, I needed a different lua and a different publ-imp-.tex file. But maybe I was wrong and you have an easier approach? All best and thanks! Thomas