15 Feb
15 Feb
6:51 p.m.
Renaud AUBIN wrote:
Hi all,
I'm trying to use the gnuplot mode (texlive+ ConTeXt 2006.02.03) and the command texexec --pdf --mode=demo m-gnuplot results in a m-gnuplot.pdf where only the png is correctly displayed... All the m-gnuplot-gnuplot-*.pdf are unknown...
I assume I have missed something... But what ?
The conversion of the gnuplot output from postscript to pdf fails. It attempts to execute this commandline: texmfstart newpstopdf --method=raw \GNUPLOTfile.ps where \GNUPLOTfile is e.g. "m-gnuplot-gnuplot-0" You can try the command on the commandline to see where it goes wrong. Cheers, Taco