Hi Hans, Hans van der Meer wrote:
So, I am still stuck with "cannot open : No such file or directory." on calling 'mtxrun --script fonts' etc.
I should have tried this myself instead of attempting to guess. :-( The problem is this line in mtx-fonts.lua: dofile(input.find_file("font-syn.lua")) input.find_file fails to find the file and then dofile gives the empty error message. The standalone command luatools failed to find the file, even though it is actually there. After a little experiment, the problem seems to be that discovering of .lua files is controlled by the TEXMFSCRIPTS variable (so *not* LUAINPUTS). I've adjusted my texmf.cnf so that it now contains TEXMFSCRIPTS = .;$TEXMF/scripts/context//;$TEXMF/tex/context/base and suddenly all is well again. I think this is a side-effect of recent change in the file discovery api. Hans? Best wishes, Taco