Hello again, as many critics go towards "I don't see any coherence" or "to me it's just a random bunch of colored letters" or "it's hard to read the word CONTEXT", some afterthoughts in that regard (difficulty, randomness). Personally, I like visual material that catches my attention, but does not give all away at first glance. For example a good poster or book cover. It invites me to spend time on it. And I don't have the feeling that the designer thinks I'm stupid. ConTeXt is quite sophisticated, its logo can also be a little bit more complicated than your average sportswear brand. Any color choice is arbitrary to some extend. The colors I've used cover the entire hue range and are at equal distance apart (common in multicolored designs). This denotes to me not only the flexibility, and the fun of using it, but also the comprehensiveness of ConTeXt. Not only can you use ConTeXt in very different situations, you can use it in every situation (that requires typesetting). My 2c! Greetings, Paul