Hello, ** Kip Warner [2012-01-16 19:52:39 -0800]:
Hey list,
A couple of questions concerning \definition: (not an expert, just read command reference) (1) What is the difference between \definedescription and \setupdescriptions? the first should define new "description", the second change style of already defined "description".
(2) What is the difference between \definition and \description? This example <example> \starttext
\definition{Hi} \stoptext </example> gives error: "Undefined control sequence ...". Where this command is defined?
(3) How do I change the colour of the definition header? I tried the following, but it did not work:
\setuphead [definition] [color=colour_head]
If I were you I would do that: <example> \starttext \definedescription[definition][headcolor=colour_head] \definition{Hi}. This is definition. \setupdescriptions[definition][headcolor=colour_head2] \definition{Hi2}. This is second definition. \stoptext </example> --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- Because the wine remembers.