On Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 09:22:03PM +0200, Bahr Rudolf wrote:
On Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 09:19:24AM +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 4/18/2019 8:37 PM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
2. Use a font in Truetype/Opentype format: http://unifraktur.sourceforge.net/ Which is actually a quite nice and even readable fraktur.
Yes, perhaps. In the next days I will have a look at it. What do you mean with "even readable"? Of course the font should be readable, not only to me.
During the last days I tried "1. Use the Type1 version of the fonts: [1], proposed by Wolfgang. There a pair of .afm and .pfb files is needed by "new" ConTeXt and I got an "even unreadable" fraktur with plenty of errors. See appended "Fraktur-afm-pfb.pdf".
Now, in the meantime, I had also a look into your book [2] There is to be read:
"Most natural is to use OpenType or Type1 fonts. In the case of Type1 a matching pair of afm and pfb files is needed. However, there can be situations where there is only a tfm and pfb file (or not even that: just a bitmap file)."
What do you mean with that? Will "new" ConTeXt be capable in mastering a situation with "only a tfm and pfb file" as "old" ConTeXt did? With "old" ConTeXt I had with "yfrak.mf, yfrak.pfb, yfrak.tfm", a wonderfull Fraktur, without errors.
[1] https://ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/ps-type1/yfonts [2] http://pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/fonts-mkiv.pdf, page 60, chapter 4.6 ("Old fuzzy fonts")
In the meantime I had a look at different Fraktur fonts. Both suggested fonts [1] and [2] were not acceptable to me for various reasons. [1] has no gaps between words and many other errors. Horrible. [2] is far too fat to be printed in a book. The reason could be that the developers wanted to make a font suitable for internet presences where the resolution of screens is far below of that of printing machines. The good thing with [2] is that there is an extended and interesting set of orthography rules and their changes over various centuries beginning in 1600 up to today. But unfortunately the internet presence of [2] seems to be dead, the newest entry in member's forum I saw has been from beginning of 2017. [3] I found the Leipzig-Fraktur-Font, a real Easter gift :-) It's comparable to Yannis Haralambous' nice fraktur font I used for years, but in ".otf"-format. It has the slim high "s" for use at the beginning of words and within words as well as the small round "s" at the end of syllabs and words. Ok, there seems to be no "!" (Instead I use "rm !") and the sharp "ß" I had to construct by "s\hskip-1pt z". But German umlauts can be printed, for instance 'ä' by '\"a', and different ligatures, for instance 'ch', 'st', 'tz', and others exist. So, most of my necessary conditions to a Fraktur font in ConTeXt-lmtx are fulfilled. As an example is appended "Leipzig-Fraktur-Example.pdf". I thank Hans and Wolfgang for helping me. Rudolf [1] https://ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/ps-type1/yfonts [2] http://unifraktur.sourceforge.net/ [3] https://www.chip.de/downloads/Leipzig-Fraktur-Font_36248614.html