Hi Hans, I'd surely love help you to adapt ConTeXt's settings from v9 to v10. I hope that the following quotations will help you enough. I also hope that the format doesn't get mixed up when I send this mail.

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source: https://foicica.com/textadept/manual.html#Migration.Guides

Migration Guides

Textadept 9 to 10

API Changes

Old API Change New API

bit32 Removed N/A (use bitwise operators)

brace_match(pos) Changed brace_match(pos, 0)

_foldsymbols Replaced add_fold_point()
_rules Replaced add_rule()
_tokenstyles Replaced add_style()
embed_lexer(parent, child, …) Renamed parent:embed(child, …)
_RULES[id] Replaced get_rule(id)
_RULES[id] = rule Replaced modify_rule(id, rule)
N/A Added new()
word_match(list, wchars, icase) Changed word_match(words, icase)

set_theme Renamed buffer.set_theme()

match_brace Replaced N/A (menu function)
N/A Added paste()
N/A Added paste_reindents

default_session Removed

Configuration Changes

Textadept 10 no longer uses a ~/.textadept/properties.lua file. Instead, all buffer settings are made in ~/.textadept/init.lua, and apply to the first and any subsequent buffers. (In Textadept 9, any buffer settings made in ~/.textadept/init.lua only applied to the first buffer, so a ~/.textadept/properties.lua was required in order to define buffer settings that would affect subsequent buffers.)

Simply copying the contents of your ~/.textadept/properties.lua into ~/.textadept/init.lua should be sufficient.

Lexer Changes

Lexers are now written in a more object-oriented way. Legacy lexers are still supported, but it is recommended that you migrate them.

Key Bindings Changes

The terminal version’s key sequence for Ctrl+Space is now 'c ' instead of 'c@'.

Regex Changes

Textadept now uses C++11’s ECMAScript regex syntax instead of TRE.

Mac OSX System Requirements

Textadept now requires Mac OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard) at a minimum. The previous minimum version was 10.5 (Leopard).

LuaJIT Changes

The LuaJIT version of Textadept has been removed. Any LuaJIT-specific features used in external modules will no longer function.

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I also found this here:

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source: https://foicica.com/textadept/api.html#lexer.Migrating.Legacy.Lexers

Migrating Legacy Lexers

Legacy lexers are of the form:

local l = require('lexer')
local token, word_match = l.token, l.word_match
local P, R, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S

local M = {_NAME = '?'}

[... token and pattern definitions ...]

M._rules = {
  {'rule', pattern},

M._tokenstyles = {
  'token' = 'style',

M._foldsymbols = {
  _patterns = {...},
  ['token'] = {['start'] = 1, ['end'] = -1},

return M

While such legacy lexers will be handled just fine without any changes, it is recommended that you migrate yours. The migration process is fairly straightforward:

  1. Replace all instances of l with lexer, as it’s better practice and results in less confusion.
  2. Replace local M = {_NAME = '?'} with local lex = lexer.new('?'), where ? is the name of your legacy lexer. At the end of the lexer, change return M to return lex.
  3. Instead of defining rules towards the end of your lexer, define your rules as you define your tokens and patterns using lex:add_rule().
  4. Similarly, any custom token names should have their styles immediately defined using lex:add_style().
  5. Convert any table arguments passed to lexer.word_match() to a space-separated string of words.
  6. Replace any calls to lexer.embed(M, child, ...) and lexer.embed(parent, M, ...) with lex:embed(child, ...) and parent:embed(lex, ...), respectively.
  7. Define fold points with simple calls to lex:add_fold_point(). No need to mess with Lua patterns anymore.
  8. Any legacy lexer options such as M._FOLDBYINDENTATION, M._LEXBYLINE, M._lexer, etc. should be added as table options to lexer.new().
  9. Any external lexer rule fetching and/or modifications via lexer._RULES should be changed to use lexer.get_rule() and lexer.modify_rule().

As an example, consider the following sample legacy lexer:

local l = require('lexer')
local token, word_match = l.token, l.word_match
local P, R, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S

local M = {_NAME = 'legacy'}

local ws = token(l.WHITESPACE, l.space^1)
local comment = token(l.COMMENT, '#' * l.nonnewline^0)
local string = token(l.STRING, l.delimited_range('"'))
local number = token(l.NUMBER, l.float + l.integer)
local keyword = token(l.KEYWORD, word_match{'foo', 'bar', 'baz'})
local custom = token('custom', P('quux'))
local identifier = token(l.IDENTIFIER, l.word)
local operator = token(l.OPERATOR, S('+-*/%^=<>,.()[]{}'))

M._rules = {
  {'whitespace', ws},
  {'keyword', keyword},
  {'custom', custom},
  {'identifier', identifier},
  {'string', string},
  {'comment', comment},
  {'number', number},
  {'operator', operator}

M._tokenstyles = {
  'custom' = l.STYLE_KEYWORD..',bold'

M._foldsymbols = {
  _patterns = {'[{}]'},
  [l.OPERATOR] = {['{'] = 1, ['}'] = -1}

return M

Following the migration steps would yield:

local lexer = require('lexer')
local token, word_match = lexer.token, lexer.word_match
local P, R, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S

local lex = lexer.new('legacy')

lex:add_rule('whitespace', token(lexer.WHITESPACE, lexer.space^1))
lex:add_rule('keyword', token(lexer.KEYWORD, word_match[[foo bar baz]]))
lex:add_rule('custom', token('custom', P('quux')))
lex:add_style('custom', lexer.STYLE_KEYWORD..',bold')
lex:add_rule('identifier', token(lexer.IDENTIFIER, lexer.word))
lex:add_rule('string', token(lexer.STRING, lexer.delimited_range('"')))
lex:add_rule('comment', token(lexer.COMMENT, '#' * lexer.nonnewline^0))
lex:add_rule('number', token(lexer.NUMBER, lexer.float + lexer.integer))
lex:add_rule('operator', token(lexer.OPERATOR, S('+-*/%^=<>,.()[]{}')))

lex:add_fold_point(lexer.OPERATOR, '{', '}')

return lex



There might be some slight overhead when initializing a lexer, but loading a file from disk into Scintilla is usually more expensive. On modern computer systems, I see no difference in speed between Lua lexers and Scintilla’s C++ ones. Optimize lexers for speed by re-arranging lexer.add_rule() calls so that the most common rules match first. Do keep in mind that order matters for similar rules.

In some cases, folding may be far more expensive than lexing, particularly in lexers with a lot of potential fold points. If your lexer is exhibiting signs of slowness, try disabling folding in your text editor first. If that speeds things up, you can try reducing the number of fold points you added, overriding lexer.fold() with your own implementation, or simply eliminating folding support from your lexer.


Embedded preprocessor languages like PHP cannot completely embed in their parent languages in that the parent’s tokens do not support start and end rules. This mostly goes unnoticed, but code like

<div id="<?php echo $id; ?>">

will not style correctly.


Errors in lexers can be tricky to debug. Lexers print Lua errors to io.stderr and _G.print() statements to io.stdout. Running your editor from a terminal is the easiest way to see errors as they occur.


Poorly written lexers have the ability to crash Scintilla (and thus its containing application), so unsaved data might be lost. However, I have only observed these crashes in early lexer development, when syntax errors or pattern errors are present. Once the lexer actually starts styling text (either correctly or incorrectly, it does not matter), I have not observed any crashes.

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If you could use anything else, let me know.

Cheers, L.