Hi, now I have another hurdle to be taken :-) — Depending on the odd or even number of the section I have to place an ornament at the end of the section. I have sofar the following setup: \define\stopmysection {\setups{endsection}} \startsetups endsection \doifelse {\currentheadnumber} %{\headnumber[section][current]}{odd} {even} {\vfil {\bf End of even numbered section} \stopsection% } {\vfil {\bf End of odd numbered section} \stopsection% } \stopsetups \starttext \startsection[title=Ward] \setuppagenumbering[conversion=romannumerals] \input ward \stopmysection \startsection[title=Knuth] \setuppagenumbering[conversion=numbers] \input knuth \stopmysection \stoptext However the the evaluation of the sectionnumber results always in “false”, having therefore always odd as a sectionending. What to change in order to get the desired result? Kind regards Willi