Dear list, I have a question about page transitions (lines 297-304 from scrn-pag.mkvi): \def\scrn_transitions_set_indeed {\begingroup \edef\currentinteractionscreendelay{\interactionscreenparameter\c!delay}% \clf_setpagetransition n {\scrn_transitions_list}% delay \ifx\currentinteractionscreendelay\v!none \zerocount\else\currentinteractionscreendelay\fi \relax \endgroup} I wonder whether the "delay" option in \setupinteractionscreen defines the number of seconds for the page or for the transition. From what I read in the code above, I would say that the duration is defined for the transition itself. Inspecting the output PDF code in generated documents, the duration is set for the page. In PDF code. /Page <> sets the number of seconds for the page (https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/PDF32000_2008.pdf#searc...). /Page <> >> sets the number of seconds for the transition (https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/PDF32000_2008.pdf#named...). With the followling sample: \setuppapersize[A9,landscape] \setupinteraction[state=start] \setupinteractionscreen[option=max, delay=5] \setuppagetransitions[random] \setupbodyfont[50pt] \starttext \dorecurse{2}{% \startmakeup[page][style=\bf\ss, align=center] \recurselevel \stopmakeup% } \stoptext The output PDF document may contain a /Page object such as: 6 0 obj << /Contents 4 0 R /Dur 5 /Trans << /Di 90 /M /O /S /Fly >> /Type /Page >> endobj This forces the viewer to advance the page after 5s. To have a transition duration of 5s, it should read: 6 0 obj << /Contents 4 0 R /Trans << /D 5 /Di 90 /M /O /S /Fly >> /Type /Page >> endobj https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/PDF32000_2008.pdf#named... shows the difference between /Dur and /D. Could anyone confirm whether this should be fixed (or I’m missing something)? Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk