14 Oct
14 Oct
8:57 a.m.
Salvete, \usemodule[nath] \starttext \startformula F(\beta, E_{min}, E_{max}, m) = \wall\{0,\infty,-\infty\} \return \cup \left\{\left.s\,\beta^e\sum_{i=0}^{m}a_i\beta^{-i}\right\vert s\in\{-1,1\}, 0\leq a_i<\beta, e\in\integers, E_{min}\leq e\leq E_{max}\right\}. \stopformula \stoptext I thought the \return were to go to the horizontal position of the \wall, in the next line? For me, both lines are flush left. pdftex 1.20a, ConTeXt 2004.10.07, t-nath.tex 2003.12.08, with the patches I sent to this list. regards, Christopher