Am 19.02.2012 um 23:00 schrieb Pablo Rodríguez:
Hi Wolfgang,
I have a with \setuplist[alternative=g] in an interactive document.
Here you have the minimal sample:
\setupinteraction[state=start] \setupcombinedlist[content][interaction=all] \setuplist[part][alternative=g] \setuplist[chapter][alternative=d] \starttext \completecontent \part{part} \chapter{chapter} \part{part} \stoptext
The second \part should start a new line. I now that you told me that I was misusing “alternative=g”, because it was meant for interactive documents (but this is exactly what I have).
Sorry, but since I got no reply, I'm still wondering whether this is a bug or an illegitimate use of “alternative=g”.
Would you be so kind to explain what is wrong here.
The alternative d put’s all entries in a single line and this works perfect when you have a parent with alternative a–c. The alternatives e–g have also this requirement but I guess they aren’t meant to be used in combination with other alternatives. Wolfgang