Huseyin Özoguz schrieb am 06.05.2021 um 12:48:
Hello context-community,
I have an image as a layer and want it to place on every page of a book with some offset.
My minexample:
\setlayer[mybg] [hoffset=2cm, voffset=0.2cm, doublesided=yes] {\framed[frame=off, width=2cm, height=1cm]{\externalfigure[bilder_bearbeitet_png/32.png][width=\textwidth]}}
That works in principle, but I want the hoffset to be relative to the cutspace/backspace: different on right and left page, such that the layer is set equally on every page relative to the textbody.
In the example above I use "doublesided=yes", but that has no effect. How to achieve proper double-sided behavior?
You have to set the content for the layer twice, once for the left pages and a second time for the right pages. \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided] % \setupexternalfigures % [directory=images_bearbeitet_png] \definelayer [backgroundimage] [width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight, state=repeat, doublesided=yes] \setupbackgrounds [page] [background=backgroundimage] \setlayer [backgroundimage] [right] [x=\backspace, y=\dimexpr\topspace+\headerheight+\headerdistance\relax] {\externalfigure[32.png]} \setlayer [backgroundimage] [left] [x=\cutspace, y=\dimexpr\topspace+\headerheight+\headerdistance\relax] {\externalfigure[32.png]} \showframe [text] [text] \starttext \dorecurse{10}{\dontleavehmode\page} \stoptext Wolfgang