Am 28.05.2015 um 11:37 schrieb Sandra Snan
: Hans Hagen
writes: when resolving fonts context makes safe filenames for fonts so don't worry about the - being gone
the fact that there is a luc file means that the font has been loaded so the question is: how does your tex code look
what happens if you put file: before a name?
Here is the full file. $body$ is filled in by pandoc.
% interface output=luatex \usemodule[simplefonts][protrusion=quality,expansion=quality] \setupsimplefonts[expansion=quality,protrusion=quality]
Don’t load the simplefonts module because you don’t need it when you use the \definefontfamily command.
\setuppagenumbering[location=] \enableregime [utf-8]
You can drop this line because ConTeXt uses UTF-8 as default encoding.
\setuppapersize[A4, portrait][A4, portrait]
There is no “portrait” keyword for the \setuppapersize and you can also drop this line because ConTeXt uses A4 as default paper size.
\setuplanguage[sv][leftquote=›,rightquote=‹,leftquotation=»,rightquotation=«] \mainlanguage [sv] \setupfontsynonym [Serif] [handling=pure] \usetypescript[serif][hanging][pure]
You can drop both lines because they are only used by MkII.
Don’t use the “file:” prefix in the third argument. \definefontfamily [futura] [sans] [Futura LT]
\definefontfamily [praise][serif][junicode]
\setupalign[justified,hanging,hz] \usetypescript[serif,sans,mono][hz][quality]
Remove the line above because it’s only used by MkII.
\setupbodyfont[praise] \setuphead[section][style={\switchtotypeface[futura]\tfd}] \starttext $body$ \stoptext
When you use math in your text you have to set a font for it. Wolfgang