Here is the test file: -------------------------------------- \definefontfamily [myfamily][serif][MinionPro Serif] \definefontfamily [myfamily][sans][MyriadPro Sans] \definefontfamily [myfamily][italic][MinionPro Italic] \setupbodyfont[myfamily] \starttext \rm foo \startitemize[a] \item {\bf Inkscape} \item Scribus \item Gimp \stopitemize \stoptext --------------------------------------- First, nothing prints. Second, if I say \startitemize[1] I get an error on the first \item line. I suspect that the default font doesn't have the big dot character. The system variable OSFONTDIR points to /usr/share/fonts Obviously there is something that I am missing in the font definitions. -- John Culleton Wexford Press Free list of books for self-publishers: PDF e-book: "Create Book Covers with Scribus" available at