Taco, I played some more with the patched version you sent yesterday, and everything seems to be working as desired, thanks a lot! So, AFAICS, this is ready to roll and become part of the module. On Sep 6, 2006, at 8:17 AM, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
This should work except that the numbers in the second \placepublications will probably restart at 1 with the current version. That would be easy to fix, so if you send me a small test file I can easily add a no-reset switch.
I do not know anything about feasibility, but have a suggestion for the input syntax. How about if there is
\definecitemethod[one] \definecitemethod[two]
I have to think about that. It sounds useful, but I am not sure off-hand how to make it work.
Cheers, Taco
Aditya, thanks for your suggestion. This would allow us not only to have per-chapter bibliographies, but several bibliographies, if I understand you right? Would be a very useful thing, I agree, but the solution for my question turned out to be a lot easier. Thanks, and best Thomas