Am 15.01.2011 um 11:44 schrieb Oliver Heins:
I have to typeset paragraphed quotations in a smaller font (and maybe a smaller baselineskip, but this is not necessary) and with larger margins. However, after the quotation, the main text has to be on the grid again.
Main Text Main Text Main Text (on grid) Main Text Main Text Main Text (on grid) Main Text Main Text
quotation text (need not to be on grid, in a smaller font) quotation text
Main Text Main Text Main Text (on grid) Main Text Main Text Main Text (on grid) Main Text Main Text
I tried to use contexts quotation-mechanism, but it puts quotationmarks around the quotation, which is not only unnecessary (as the smaller font size marks the paragraph as a quotation already), but a problem, because footnotemarks appear right in front of the ending quotation mark (»quot¹« instead of »quot«¹, which would be right).
Footnotes seem to be a bigger problem. When using the linecorrection mechanism (either with \start|\stoplinecorrection and with \placeongrid), the footnotetexts don't get typeset at all. They seem to get lost within the linecorrection environment.
TIA for your help, olli
\setuppapersize[A5][A4] \setuplayout[location=middle, marking=on, offset=0mm, grid=yes, ]
\mainlanguage[de] \setuplanguage[de][leftquotation=\rightguillemot,rightquotation=\leftguillemot]
With MkIV you can just write \setuplanguage[de][leftquotation=»,rightquotation=«]
\setupquotation[ before={\startlinecorrection[blank]\noindentation}, after={\stoplinecorrection}, style=\tfx]
\setupdelimitedtext [blockquote] [spacebefore=line, style=\tfx]
\startquotation \getbuffer[quot]\footnote{foobar} \stopquotation
\startblockquote … \stopblockquote Wolfgang