On 08/09/2017 02:59 PM, Fabrice Couvreur wrote:
Hello, How do I make the header appear on the first page only ? Thank you Fabrice
Hello Fabrice, a workaround would be to suppress header dimension for all pages other than the first one. \definelayout [noheader] [header=2\lineheight, headerdistance=\lineheight, backspace=2cm, width=middle, topspace=\lineheight] \setuplayout [header=\zeropoint, headerdistance=3\lineheight, backspace=2cm, width=middle, topspace=2cm] \definelayout[1][noheader] \setupbackgrounds[header,state=start][text][frame=off, bottomframe=on,framecolor=gray,rulethickness=2pt] \setupheader[style=bold] \setuppagenumbering [alternative=, location=footer] \defineframed[headerframed] [frame=off, location=depth, bottomoffset=\lineheight, align=middle, width=fit] \setupheadertexts[\headerframed{\ss \sc \bf \red Contrôle n\high{o}\,1 \\ }] \setupheadertexts[\headerframed{\tfx \ss Lycée JANSON DE SAILLY\\ 31 juillet 2017}] [\headerframed{\tfx \ss T\high{le} ES 2 \\ Durée 1 heure 30}] \starttext \dorecurse{6}{\input knuth} \stoptext Just in case it helps, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk