Le samedi 17 mai 2014, 12:40:35 Wolfgang Schuster a écrit :
Am 17.05.2014 um 12:28 schrieb Pol Stra
: Le samedi 17 mai 2014, 11:25:04 Wolfgang Schuster a écrit :
Am 17.05.2014 um 11:21 schrieb Pol Stra
: Hello,
I want to number my figures like this: partnumber.sectionnumber.figurenumber
I didn't find documentation on \setupnumber.
I tried:
\setupnumber[figure][way=bypart, numberpart=yes] \setupnumber[figure][way=bypart, numberpart=yes, prefixsegments=part]
But when changing part, the numbering starts again at 1.
The counter setup for floats are controlled with the \setupcaption command.
When you set “way=bypart” you tell context to reset the counter with each new \part heading.
Ok, I see: "way=bypart" is related to "figurenumber". But what about the "numeberpart" attribute?
Let's say I have two parts with two sections in each. Currently, with "\setupnumber[figure][way=bypart, numberpart=yes]" I have:
Part 1
Section 1
figure 1.1 figure 1.2
Section 2
figure 2.3 figure 2.4
Part 2
Section 1
figure 1.1 % here we start again at 1 instead of 2 figure 1.2 % the 2 is OK, but not the 1
Section 2
figure 2.3 figure 2.4
While I want:
Part 1
Section 1
figure 1.1.1 figure 1.1.2
Section 2
figure 1.2.3 figure 1.2.4
Part 2
Section 1
figure 2.1.1 figure 2.1.2
Section 2
figure 2.2.3 figure 2.2.4
I think you missed an example in my previous message. ;-)
I still miss some example code.
You want to do is not possible with this structure because you go from parts to section without a chapter between them which leaves a gap in the prefix numbers.
To fix this you have to change your sections to chapters or replace your parts with chapters.
\setupcaption [figure] [way=bypart, prefixsegments=part:chapter]
\dorecurse{2} {\part{Part #1} \dorecurse{2} {\chapter{Chapter ##1} \dorecurse{2} {\placefigure[force]{Dummy Figure ####1}{\externalfigure[dummy]}}}}
Oops! Sorry, I over simplified my use case: there *are* chapters in my documents. Ok, with the sample of code you provided it works like I want. I shouldn't have used `setupnumber` but `setupcaption`. Thank you Wolfgang