Monday, December 2, 2002 Hans Hagen wrote: HH> At 10:06 AM 12/1/2002 +0100, you wrote:
I'm going to bring the discussion back to a sore point that really
HH> hm, didn't know you were such a sore guy; don't get too depressed LOL. I'm not depressed :) HH> what you want is kind of tricky in the sense that i hate macros that have HH> to adapt themselves to such fuzzy situations (actuall yit's one of the HH> reasons why so many tex docs (books, manuals, whatever) around have lousy HH> vertical spacing; Uhm. I can't think of any example like that, really. The point is that in ConTeXt as it is now a display (formula, itemization, quotation, etc) is always forces a paragraph before and after, which is not consistent with what the writer might want; think for example of something like: -------------- An introduction to the following: * itemization * one more item and a conclusion, all in the same paragraph -------------- versus -------------- An introduction to the following: * itemization * one more item Let's now talk about something else -------------- HH> anyhow, because i can't stand you crying:
\def\displaybreak {\ifhmode \removeunwantedspaces \ifcase\raggedstatus\hfill\fi \strut\penalty-9999 % \break fails on case (3) \fi}
\def\startdisplay{\displaybreak\ignorespaces\startopelkaar} \def\stopdisplay {\stopopelkaar\displaybreak\ignorespaces}
Doesn't work. Try setting \setupindenting[medium] in your example; you'll notice that each line starts a new paragraph, and this is not what is wanted. (1) the display should end the previous paragraph if and only if \start... is preceded by an empty line (2) the material following the \stop... should start a new paragraph if and only if there is an empty line between the \stop and the material HH> The best solution of course is to define the proper instances of HH> enviroments (math already has 'm) All (displayed) blocks should have this feature. If you don't want to break backwards compatibility, you could setup a couple of options for \startstop pairs. As I proposed in another mail, it should be tunable at a global level and on a per-\startstop level: I propose a global switch like \setupstartstops[break=always] % current ConTeXt behaviour \setupstartstops[break=par] % only start new paragraphs % when there are empty lines and local switches like: \setupquotations[newpar=always] % current behaviour where newpar can be always, (current behaviour, regardless of global setting), default (follow general \startstop behaviour set up by \setupstartstops) or par (start according to empty lines regardless of global setting). Does it sound sensible? -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta