Mojca Miklavec mailto:mojca.miklavec.lists@gmail.com 26. August 2015 19:36
In case that you were looking for an automated way to print the date, here's one option: \setuplanguage[en][date={weekday,{, },day:ord,{~},month,{,~},year}] (And the documentation is somewhat wrong, I think it suggests to use "day+" which doesn't work. But I should check the details again.) The keyword to create ordinal numbers in a date has changed in MkIV. Unfortunately I didn't manage to figure out how to do the superscript automatically. Yes, it's 1\highordinalstr{st} like Alan mentioned, but that only works in "manual mode". You can’t show them as superscript when you use the \date command but in manual mode you can also use \ordinaldaynumber.
\starttext \dorecurse{10}{\ordinaldaynumber{\recurselevel}\crlf} \stoptext Wolfgang