Changing to the [mathtimes] font did help with the \lll and \ggg math symbols, present in mathtimes but not in lucida. But now the \oplus is absent in mathtimes whereas it is present in lucida. I am thus stuck with having two fonts missing different math symbols. Is Math Times suffering from the same problems as Lucida? By the way, I have the fonts pfb's which were bought quite some time ago. On 15 okt. 2011, at 16:48, Hans van der Meer wrote:
I see dat in Lucida (I am using \setupbodyfont[lucida,sans,10pt]) various math symbols are recognized (no error) but their glyphs stay empty in the typeset product. I know there has been some discussion on Lucida and talk of "forgetting pfb's" and waiting for an opentype version.
But can this be remedied fairly simply? I am somewhat attached to Lucida and would like to keep using it.
Otherwise, is there some good (free) font selection to replace it, even if for the time being? Especially the fit with monotye and math I deem important.
Thanks in advance, Hans van der Meer