Hi Zunbeltz, On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 08:56:09AM +0100, Zunbeltz Izaola wrote:
I have been rading lang-ita.tex and I see some error. I have post in comp.text.tex and Giuseppe Bilotta has sugest to send a patch to this list. I don't know how can i send the patch (a diff output is enough). For patches that are not too huge (they won't be probably ;) send them simply to this list or directly to Hans Hagen.
I'm also interested in adding basque language. Basque is not a romance language, but the typesetting is very similar to spanish. Some differences: 1) Instead of Chpater 1 -- in basque ---> 1 Kapitulua (Chapter) Well, you need to create/copy+modify the \installlanguage, \setupheadtext and \setuplabeltext lines in lang-*.tex. The ISO 639-2 language code is 'eu'. If we follow the current syntax by grouping by language family, you should probably create lang-baq.tex (or lang-bas.tex, lang-eus.tex).
2) When hypenating a compound word in the hypen, in the next line a hypen is also necesary anai-arrebak is hypendated I don't know whether this can be done automatically, but you can use anai|_|arrebak to create the desired effect (see supp-lan.tex).