Saturday, October 19, 2002 Jens-Uwe Morawski wrote:
(1) add frame classes
JUM> if you mean something like JUM> \defineframed[<name>] JUM> \setupframed[<name>][...] JUM> \<name>{..text..} JUM> then i think this on the wish list of many ConteXt users. JUM> Commands that currently support framed-parameters could then JUM> support a parameter framedclass=<name> That's exactly what I mean.
(2) add tooltip classes
JUM> in the other mail-thread we agree that for tooltips the whole word JUM> should be an active area. IMO, this is not the best solution. If we JUM> can use tooltips for footnotes or bib-entries in the future, those JUM> elements will show a mark/symbol in the text, but for normal tooltips JUM> the problem is that nothing shows the reader of the document that JUM> there is a tooltip available. I think it is not a common practice to JUM> read a document and scan constantly the words with the pointing JUM> device. Thus, there should be also for normal tooltips a symbol or JUM> something else that indicates the tooltip. If we have tooltip classes, these options (including size and fitting of the active area to the content) could be configured per class. -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta