Hello, I would try it with: \setupitemize[.1.][..,.2.,..][..,..=..,..] .1. number each .2. standard n*broad n*serried packed unpacked stopper joinedup atmargin inmargin autointro loose section intext margin no standard dimension width dimension distance dimension factor number items number start number before command inbetween command after command left text right text beforehead command afterhead command headstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command marstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command symstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command stopper text n number symbol number align left right normal indentnext yes no Nikolai Weibull wrote:
Is there a way to setup itemize so that inmargin is the standard, i.e., I don't have to write [inmargin] after all my \startitemize's?, nikolai